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Georeferenced Vail Pass Avenza Map Layer

Motorized Trails

  • Shrine Pass Road

    Length: 2.5 miles to Shrine Pass

    Use: Heavy

    Difficulty: Easiest

    Comments: This is a very popular multiple-use trail from Vail Pass to Shrine Pass. Please use caution on this route as it sees heavy use from motorized and non motorized users. Non-motorized users are encouraged to use the Shrine Pass Ski Trail to access the Shrine Mountain Huts. The drainage to the south of Shrine Pass Road is non motorized.

  • Resolution Creek Road / 4-Mile Road

    Length: 6 miles / 4 miles

    Use: Heavy

    Difficulty: Easiest

    Comments: This route is a popular multi-use trail from Camp Hale to Ptarmigan Pass with a four-mile dead-end spur at Pearl Creek junction. Be courteous to others and stay on marked routes to access the large snowplay area at Ptarmigan Pass

  • Turkey Creek Road

    Length: 5.75 miles

    Use: Heavy

    Difficulty: Easiest

    Comments: This route is a very popular multi-use trail. Be courteous to other users. The trailhead east of Town of Redcliff has limited parking. The Ttown of Redcliff has restaurants and public phones, but no gas station. Thise trail is not maintained past the Forest Boundary, which is two miles from town.

  • Wilder Gulch

    Length: 3 miles

    Use: Heavy

    Difficulty: Easiest

    Comments: This route is a very popular trail from Vail Pass to Ptarmigan Pass. Be courteous to others and stay on the marked route to access the snowplay areas in the gulch. Please avoid the south ridge of the gulch where the non-motorized terrain begins.

  • Shrine Bowl Trail

    Length: 2 miles

    Use: Heavy

    Difficulty: More Difficult

    Comments: The Shrine Bowl snowmobile play area is defined by the treeline of Shrine Bowl. Part of this route is through the non-motorized area of the West Ten Mile Creek drainage; stay on the groomed route and follow the orange poles to Shrine Bowl.

  • Fowler/Hilliard Loop

    Length: 7.7 miles

    Use: ModerateLow

    Difficulty: Most Difficult

    Comments: This route accesses hybrid riding/skiing terrainis part of a motorized access ski area. Stay on the marked route and be courteous to other users.

  • Hank’s Gulch Roads

    Length: 3.7 miles

    Use: Low

    Difficulty: Most Difficult

    Comments: These trials are accessible from Turkey Creek Road. After Turkey Creek Road, follow old timber sales roads.

  • Lime Creek Road

    Length: 9 miles

    Use: Low

    Difficulty: Most Difficult

    Comments: This route connects Vail Pass to the town of Redcliff. The area to the north of the road is non-motorized, so please stay on trail and watch for skiers the first two miles. The trail section three miles north of the Lime Creek / Turkey Creek junction is steep and sometimes icy and may not be passable traveling uphill.

  • Wearyman Creek Road

    Length: 4.5 miles

    Use: Low

    Difficulty: Most Difficult

    Comments: This route connects Town of Redcliff to Ptarmigan Pass. Be prepared for sidehill riding and several creek crossings. There is a snowplay area at the top of Wearyman Creek. This route is not groomed or maintained; variable conditions may exist.

  • Wearyman / Hornsilver Connector

    Length: 8.7 miles

    Use: Low

    Difficulty: Most Difficult

    Comments: This route starts at the Wearyman Road / Turkey Creek Road junction and then forks to the right after .7 miles. Follow the logging roads marked with orange diamonds to Hornsilver Mountain, then down towards the top of Wearyman Creek. The last section of this trail is shared with skiers.

Non-motorized Trails

  • Shrine Pass Ski Trail

    Length: 2.5 miles

    Time: 2 to 4 hours

    Use: Heavy

    Difficulty: Easiest

    Comments: This route starts from the Vail Pass Rest Area and follows the Shrine Pass Road to the first switchback where there is a trailhead information board (no non-motorized traffic is allowed on Shrine Pass road past this point). The non-motorized route begins to the left of this sign and continues west along the north side of West Ten Mile Creek. The trail leads to the headwaters of the drainage, parallel to the Shrine Pass Road. The collective which is Shrine Mountain huts consisting of Jay’s Cabin, Chuck’s Cabin, and Walter’s Cabin are located about .2 miles south of Shrine Pass

  • Corral Creek

    Length: 2.5 miles

    Time: 2 to 4 hours

    Use: Low

    Difficulty: More Difficult

    Comments: Walk east across the I-70 bridge from the parking lot. The trail begins just off the highway and climbs .5 miles to the bench. The area offers excellent touring terrain in open meadows and forested hillsides. The south-facing drainage allows for a loop trip down to the Vail Pass bike path and back west to the Rest Area.

  • Fowler-Hilliard Hut via McAllister Gulch

    Length: 5.25 miles

    Time: 4 to 7 hours

    Use: Low

    Difficulty: More Difficult

    Comments: From the Pando Trailhead at the north end of Camp Hale, ski east across the Eagle River, then north .5 miles to the McAllister Gulch jeep road. This route follows the road to Resolution Mountain and the Fowler-Hilliard Hut. Note that the route across Camp Hale is shared with motorized users, but McAllister Gulchthen the jeep road is non-motorized for winter use. Be cautious of steep slopes and avalanche terrain on Resolution Mountain.

  • Jackal Hut via Ranch Creek

    Length: 3.5 miles

    Time: 4 to 6 hours

    Use: Moderate

    Difficulty: More Difficult

    Comments: From the South Camp Hale Trailhead, travel east across Camp Hale flats and across the Eagle River to Ranch Creek Road. Follow the road as it climbs to the Jackal Hut.

  • Janet’s Cabin via Guller Creek

    Length: 5.5 miles

    Time: 3 to 5 hours

    Use: Heavy

    Difficulty: More Difficult

    Comments: This trial begins at the Union Creek base area of the Copper Mountain Ski Area. It follows the Vail Pass bike path west to the Colorado Trail at Guller Creek. The route then continues up Guller Creek to its headwaters and Janet’s Cabin.

  • Jackal Hut via Cataract Creek

    Length: 5.5 miles

    Time: 5 to 7 hours

    Use: Low

    Difficulty: Most Difficult

    Comments: From the Camp Hale South Trailhead, travel east across the Eagle River and follow the East Fork Road to the south and then south-east for 2.25 miles. Then travel north along Cataract Creek on the Colorado Trail. The trail climbs 1.8 miles up the Colorado Trail to Jackal Hut.

  • Janet’s Cabin via Wilder Gulch

    Length: 4.5 miles

    Time: 4 to 7 hours

    Use: Low

    Difficulty: Most Difficult

    Comments: This route heads southeast from where off of the Wilder Gulch Road turns southwest, across the gulch and into Smith Gulch. The route then traverses southwest up to treeline and continues south right at treeline to Janet’s Cabin. The route is not well marked and requires expert route finding ability. This route and is recommended for experienced skiers only.

  • Resolution Mountain to Resolution Creek Road

    Length: 2 miles

    Time: 2 to 4 hours

    Use: Low

    Difficulty: Most Difficult

    Comments: This route will take the user down to the south aspect of the Resolution Mountain, then back to Resolution Creek Road. The road through a series of switchbacks and dense forest. Once on the road, be aware of shared motorized use and heavy traffic.

  • Shrien Mountain to Fowler-Hilliard Hut

    Length: 6.8 miles

    Time: 5 to 8 hours

    Use: Low

    Difficulty: Most Difficult

    Comments: This is the recommended route from the Shrine Mountain Hut to the Fowler-Hilliard Hut. The section of this trail from Wearyman Creek to the Fowler-Hilliard turn-off is multiple-use. Please respect this joint use.

  • Jackal Hut via Pearl Creek

    Length: 4.5 miles

    Time: 4 to 7 hours

    Use: Low

    Difficulty: Most Difficult

    Comments: Thise route heads southeast from where off of the Wilder Gulch Road turns southwest, across the gulch and into Smith Gulch. The route then traverses southwest up to treeline and continues south right at treeline to Janet’s Cabin. The route is not well marked and requires expert route finding ability. This route and is recommended for experienced skiers only.

Hybrid Use

  • Boss Basin

    Length: 1.1 miles

    Use: Low

    Difficulty: Most Difficult

    Comments: This route is part of a motorized access hybrid ski area. Stay on the marked route and be courteous to other users.

  • Queen Bee / BBQ

    Length: .7 miles

    Use: Moderate

    Difficulty: Most Difficult

    Comments: This route is part of a motorized access hybrid ski area. Stay on the marked route and be courteous to other users.

  • Black Lakes

    Length: 1.9 miles

    Use: Moderate

    Difficulty: More Difficult

    Comments: This route is part of a motorized access hybrid ski area. Stay on the marked route and be courteous to other users.